明朝建文四年,朱棣率兵攻下帝都应天,御史大夫景清夫妻罹难,长女若微被副将孙愚所救,次女蔓茵为太子朱高炽所救。骨肉同胞,一在宫中,一在江湖,同时长大。十年之后,若微随一批靖难遗孤入城刺杀朱棣,刺杀失败,若微遭遇皇太孙朱瞻基,两个年轻人是敌是友,自有一份因缘。造化弄人,若微 与妹妹蔓茵同时嫁入宫中,目睹了国家正在从乱象中恢复,平关外,迁首都,通运河,郑和下西洋,扬威海外,编撰《永乐大典》,盛世将成。若微决心放弃执念,辅佐登上皇位的丈夫朱瞻基,在丈夫死前发誓要替他守护好江山。她历经了北京保卫战等,重用于谦,救大明王朝于危难,在中国历史上写下了辉煌壮丽的一页。

The drama tells the story of the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the country created a flourishing world, Yangwei overseas, after the Five Emperors and Six Dynasties, a hundred years of star-studded shining blood, a long-lasting Jinling old dream. In the first year of Ming Yongle, the battle of Jing Dynasties, the Jianwen Emperor cut into the mountains, and the whereabouts became the mystery of the ages. The old minister of Jianwen was killed by the murder. The royal priest Jing Qing, the husband and wife were martyrdom, and the eldest daughter was saved by the vice-president Sun Yu. The second daughter was murdered and saved by the prince Zhu Gaochi. The flesh and blood compatriots, one in the palace, one in the rivers and lakes, while growing up. Ten years later, if the micro-map seeks to assassinate Zhu Xi, the younger sister married into the palace. If she was in the assassination, she met the emperor Zhu Zhuji, and witnessed the political rebellion of Jinling City's Bo Yunyu, in...

都散了吧,又是一个披着历史剧外衣的玛丽苏。不为别的,为它不尊重历史。汤唯不会演戏,真是尬死了(逐集更新中,47集,这剧里稍微讨喜一点的角色终于都死光了,剩下的都是讨人厌的主儿;有尬母必有尬子;导演的锅自己背吧)。你觉得戏说的部分恰恰源自于历史。明朝服饰资料这么丰富 这部剧却还要胡乱发明奇装异服。这部剧差点把我看出了精神分裂。这剧情看得一阵阵发凉。朱家人挖您祖坟了?。不知道还有没有必要看豆瓣了。每次看到“靖难遗孤”都别扭。

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